Apple service centres in Russia run out of original spare parts

Apple authorised service centres in Russia have run out of original spare parts for iPhone and MacBook. Source: Russian media outlet Vedomosti with reference to independent analyst Sergei Vilianov and a source in an authorised service centre Details: A representative of an authorised service centre revealed that not a single service centre in Russia has original spare parts for Apple products.

May 2, 2024 - 17:12
Apple service centres in Russia run out of original spare parts

Apple authorised service centres in Russia have run out of original spare parts for iPhone and MacBook.

Source: Russian media outlet Vedomosti with reference to independent analyst Sergei Vilianov and a source in an authorised service centre

Details: A representative of an authorised service centre revealed that not a single service centre in Russia has original spare parts for Apple products.

He explained that iPhones 14 and 15 are not maintained in Russia, and deliveries of original spare parts stopped in December 2023. The source specified that before the service centres used the remaining spare parts from the storages.

Official service centres started running out of original spare parts back in the summer of 2023, as reported by Eldar Murtazin, analyst of the Mobile Research Group agency.

Vilianov stated that the deliveries of spare parts completely stopped in February 2024 – this is when a two-year warranty period for all Apple products imported officially before the supply was suspended expired. This information was confirmed by a source in one of the authorised centres.

A source in one of the Russian marketplaces told Vedomosti that using original spare parts of other gadgets became the norm for the Russian repair market.

The source added that some suppliers deliver the spare parts from former Soviet Union states and send the equipment abroad for maintenance.

Apple stopped the sales of all its products in Russia in March 2022 and announced that it would no longer import electronics and would limit the use of its services, specifically Apple Pay. At the moment, Apple products are delivered to Russia through a "parallel import" scheme. In February 2023, the US imposed a ban on delivering smartphones worth over US$300 to Russia.

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