Assistant Secretary Pyatt’s Travel to Ottawa for the Building Momentum Toward Net Zero Conference

Office of the Spokesperson Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Geoffrey R. Pyatt will travel to Ottawa, Canada on November 8-10 to participate in the Building Momentum Toward Net Zero Conference and meet with Canadian government and industry leaders. The Building Momentum Toward Net Zero Conference is Canada’s preeminent annual climate change conference and provides a platform for leaders to collaborate on strategies to reach the goal of net zero emissions by 2050. Assistant Secretary Pyatt’s participation in the event and additional Canadian government and private sector meetings will build on existing critical minerals dialogues, promote further collaboration on clean energy, and encourage Canada’s continued strong support for Ukraine’s energy sector. Leading up to COP28, we seek to increase momentum for the transition to clean energy and accelerate action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane. For further media information, please contact

Nov 13, 2023 - 07:25
Assistant Secretary Pyatt’s Travel to Ottawa for the Building Momentum Toward Net Zero Conference

Office of the Spokesperson

Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Geoffrey R. Pyatt will travel to Ottawa, Canada on November 8-10 to participate in the Building Momentum Toward Net Zero Conference and meet with Canadian government and industry leaders. The Building Momentum Toward Net Zero Conference is Canada’s preeminent annual climate change conference and provides a platform for leaders to collaborate on strategies to reach the goal of net zero emissions by 2050. Assistant Secretary Pyatt’s participation in the event and additional Canadian government and private sector meetings will build on existing critical minerals dialogues, promote further collaboration on clean energy, and encourage Canada’s continued strong support for Ukraine’s energy sector. Leading up to COP28, we seek to increase momentum for the transition to clean energy and accelerate action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane.

For further media information, please contact