Election Results in Argentina

Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State The United States congratulates Argentine President-elect Javier Milei on his victory in today’s election, and we applaud the robust democratic process through which the Argentine public has spoken. The strong turnout and peaceful conduct of the vote are a testament to Argentina’s electoral and democratic institutions. We look forward to working with President-elect Milei and his government on shared priorities that benefit the people of both countries, including protecting human rights and democracy, addressing climate change, and investing in the middle class.

Nov 20, 2023 - 07:12
Election Results in Argentina

Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State

The United States congratulates Argentine President-elect Javier Milei on his victory in today’s election, and we applaud the robust democratic process through which the Argentine public has spoken. The strong turnout and peaceful conduct of the vote are a testament to Argentina’s electoral and democratic institutions.

We look forward to working with President-elect Milei and his government on shared priorities that benefit the people of both countries, including protecting human rights and democracy, addressing climate change, and investing in the middle class.