Forbes: Ukrainian AI drones claim 80% hit rate—yet human pilots remain superior
Ukrainian forces are deploying AI-equipped drones to bypass Russian jamming. Developers claim high success rate, but frontline commanders report mixed results.

In a recent Forbes report, technology correspondent David Hambling examines how Ukrainian forces are deploying AI-enabled drones to counter Russian jamming. These small drones, especially FPV models, have become decisive weapons “destroying roughly twice as much enemy equipment as every other weapon put together.” However, jamming reportedly brings down “at least half of FPVs before they can reach the target.”
‘Michael,’ Commander of the Typhoon drone unit of the National Guard of Ukraine, shared mixed results from field testing.
“We’ve tested this solution a couple of times, and the results were quite inconclusive. While it was able to lock on target, the target needed to be highly distinguishable from the background,” he explained.
The Russians claim they have recovered a Ukrainian FPV with AI target acquisition and terminal guidance.
Long awaited, these jam-resistant drones will hopefully soon appear frequently.— Roy![]()