Former UK Prime Minister believes next US president will continue to support Ukraine

Boris Johnson, the former UK Prime Minister, is convinced that whoever wins the US presidential election next year will continue to adhere to the current administration's policy of supporting Ukraine. Source: Johnson in an interview with Babel; European Pravda.

Oct 11, 2023 - 06:42
Former UK Prime Minister believes next US president will continue to support Ukraine

Boris Johnson, the former UK Prime Minister, is convinced that whoever wins the US presidential election next year will continue to adhere to the current administration's policy of supporting Ukraine.

 Source: Johnson in an interview with Babel; European Pravda.

Johnson said many people worry about what will happen after the 2024 US election.

"I think whoever becomes President of the United States will be determined by certain facts. The facts are as follows: democracy and freedom – the values that America defends – are under threat in Ukraine as nowhere else in the world.

And it will not be possible to restore America to its former greatness if you give in to Putin's aggression and criminal behaviour," the politician said, alluding to the slogan of former US president from the Republican Party, Donald Trump, "Make America Great Again".

"I believe that whoever becomes President of the United States in November next year is very likely to adhere to the current American policy," Boris Johnson added. 


  • Recently, the US Congress approved a temporary federal budget for 45 days, which did not include additional funding for Ukraine.
  • This raised concerns both in the White House and Kyiv that American support could end at one of the most important moments of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
  • Media reports indicate that President Joe Biden wants Congress to approve up to US$100 billion for Ukraine to ensure long-term support for Kyiv as the US presidential election approaches.

Read also: Crisis That Must Be Averted: How Europe Is Preparing for Possible Cut in US Military Aid

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