How to unblock the Ukrainian-Polish border crossing for good

Resolving the impasse at the Polish-Ukrainian border will require compromises addressing the grievances of Polish protesters while ensuring Ukraine's continued trade access to Europe.

Feb 26, 2024 - 09:39
How to unblock the Ukrainian-Polish border crossing for good

The grain crisis, then truckers’ blockades, and now farmers’ protests break the spirit of solidarity between Poland and Ukraine.

Having started on 6 November 2023, the border blockades of Ukrainian lorries by Polish farmers have recently escalated into a full-stop blockade, with several incidents of Ukrainian grain dumping in recent weeks.

While the Polish government finally started taking steps to finish the border blockades, Kyiv and Warsaw should solve the problems behind them. Otherwise, they might explode again.

To ensure a 100% guarantee that military aid, humanitarian aid, and medical aid reach the Ukrainian side without any delays, we will include border crossings with Ukraine and designated sections of roads and railways on the list of critical infrastructure,” said the Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

The local authorities will no longer be able to approve protests. On the contrary, blockades will not be possible anymore, and if needed, there will be a legal basis to remove them by force.

The Polish farmers have already responded that they will not end their protests.

On 27 February, they plan a massive rally and a full blockade of Warsaw. Some protesters declared to continue border blockades even if it is illegal or to move them to other borders. The National Council of Agricultural Chambers calls on the farmers to change the strategy and form of protests.

77% of Polish society supports the farmers’ demands, but the form of the protests is highly questionable.