Kevin Bacon, a missing Pennsylvania pig, returns home after actor Kevin Bacon's public plea
A pig named Kevin Bacon has returned to his Cumberland Township, Pennsylvania, home after spending two weeks on the loose in the woods and going viral on social media.

After two weeks on the run, a pig named Kevin Bacon is safe at home – and even got some love from his namesake, actor Kevin Bacon.
Chelsea Rumbaugh of Cumberland Township, Pennsylvania, brought Kevin Bacon, a two-year-old, 200-pound Juliana pig, home to her farm on Oct. 13.
The following day, Kevin Bacon's adventures reportedly began.
The pig broke loose from his pen around 10:30 p.m., Rumbaugh shared on a Facebook page formerly titled "Bring Kevin Bacon Home." He was later spotted at a campground, and would sometimes return to the house to wander.
"We were so close [to the pig] my 16-year-old was petting him," Rumbaugh wrote on Facebook. "He stayed close but eventually took off into the woods."
Kevin Bacon spent the next two weeks roaming the "large dense woods" near his new home, and "visiting local homes through the day," Rumbaugh wrote.
Due to his size, it was impossible to outrun Kevin Bacon, and "once he darts to the woods, he's gone," she added.
Rumbaugh launched the Facebook page to alert neighbors and local hunters that her missing pig was likely in the woods.
The page quickly took off and became quite popular – so much so that another famous Kevin Bacon took notice.
Kevin Bacon, the actor, got wind of the runaway pig's story and on Oct. 27 he shared a post on the app Threads to encourage people to "Bring Kevin Bacon home!"
Meanwhile, Kevin Bacon, the pig, would make morning visits to his home, but would scamper away as soon as he saw people, according to Rumbaugh.
"Kevin and I have been doing a song and dance since 8:30 a.m.," Rumbaugh wrote on Facebook on Oct. 30, the day before he was re-captured.
"He comes close, I wait and then inch towards him, he trots away. He didn’t even ask to dance he just thought it sounded fun I guess," she wrote.
Rumbaugh wrote that the experience was "incredibly frustrating."
Kevin Bacon's eventual capture was assisted by a Benadryl-laced sticky bun, Rumbaugh posted on Facebook. She laid the bun out in hopes that the antihistamine-laced sugary treat would lull Kevin Bacon to sleep.
"Benadryl sticky bun has been eaten and now I’m looking for a passed out pig somewhere," Rumbaugh posted on Facebook the morning of Oct. 31.
That afternoon, Kevin Bacon the pig finally found his way home.
"Today around noon my husband and I walked outside to do a survey of the woods and look for Kevin," Rumbaugh wrote.
"After two steps outside I saw that he had wandered into the pen in his own. I dropped what I was holding and sprinted to the pen, stepped in, and shut the door behind me. He had his angry feelings for about 60-90 seconds then it was over."
"He came into the pen when it wasn’t even baited. He’s now asleep in the bed he made for himself," noting that the effort took "Love, patience, & a lil meds to knock off the edge."
A pig may be administered one milligram of diphenhydramine per pound, as written on the webpage, a Pennsylvania adoption service for pet pigs.
Now home safely in a reinforced pen, Kevin Bacon is enjoying some well-earned rest, relaxation and snacks, said Rumbaugh.
"He is still scared of humans," Rumbaugh told Fox News Digital. "But we are getting closer every day."
Now that Kevin Bacon has returned to his family, Rumbaugh's Facebook page has been renamed "Kevin's Home Adventures."
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