Mass protests against Russian-style bill resume in Georgia as deputy minister resigns

Thousands continue taking to the streets in Tbilisi to protest against a law seen as undermining Georgia's Euro-Atlantic prospects

May 26, 2024 - 11:22
Mass protests against Russian-style bill resume in Georgia as deputy minister resigns

Georgia protests EU Russia foreign agents

Massive marches against a Russian-style “law on foreign agents” have resumed in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, with thousands once again taking to the streets to protest the bill expected to bring Georgia, a candidate for EU membership, closer into Russia’s orbit.

The law, introduced by the ruling Georgian Dream party and adopted on 14 May, is criticized for opening an avenue to strangling civil society, as it happened in Russia. Its adoption was marked by record protests and has sparked condemnation from Georgia’s foreign partners, including the US, which has put forward initiatives to sanction officials responsible for the bill.

Yesterday, 24 May, thousands of Georgians marched to the Interior Ministry building in Tbilisi in solidarity with the roughly 200 protesters arrested earlier for protesting against the bill.