Media: Drones attacked Russia’s Volgograd oil refinery, Kaluga oil depot, Lipetsk steel mill

Suspilne sources claim drone attacks on Russia's Volgograd oil refinery, Kaluga oil depot, Lipetsk steel mill. Volgograd media confirm at least one of the attacks.

May 13, 2024 - 11:25
Media: Drones attacked Russia’s Volgograd oil refinery, Kaluga oil depot, Lipetsk steel mill

The Ukrainian Defence Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate (HUR) conducted a special operation, attacking three important facilities in Russia with drones, according to public broadcaster Suspilne, referring to its source. The targeted facilities included the Volgograd Oil Refinery, the Kaluganefteprodukt oil depot in the village of Lyudinovo, and the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant.

The targets have been hit. These attacks are all HUR operations,” the source said.

Volgograd refinery

Last night, a local Russian Telegram channel reported a “loud sound similar to an explosion and then a fire at the factory” a 2:25 a.m., and another one at about 2:30. One more explosion occurred around 3:00, according to the channel.

The governor of Russia’s Volgograd Oblast, Andrei Bocharov, claimed that Russian air defenses allegedly repelled a drone attack overnight on 12 May, resulting in a fire at the Volgograd Oil Refinery from an allegedly crashed drone, causing no casualties.