Printing house burns down in Kharkiv because of Russian attack

Kharkiv-based Hurov&K printing house burned down as Kh-35, a Russian anti-ship missile hit the city's industrial zone on 20 March. Source: Chytomo As of the evening of 20 March, it is known that five people were killed in the strike.

Mar 21, 2024 - 07:25
Printing house burns down in Kharkiv because of Russian attack

Kharkiv-based Hurov&K printing house burned down as Kh-35, a Russian anti-ship missile hit the city’s industrial zone on 20 March.

Source: Chytomo 

As of the evening of 20 March, it is known that five people were killed in the strike. Another five people are considered missing. A fire started after the attack, and as of 21:00 (Kyiv time), it was still being extinguished. 

Many pieces of paper, cardboard, and paint were stored on the premises. Because of this, immediately after the missile attack, the fire quickly spread to all four floors of the building. 

While extinguishing the fire, one of the company's employees was saved. When rescue workers arrived at the fire scene, they saw a man clinging to the air conditioner near the third-floor window. The height was about 18 metres above the ground. To reach him, the rescuers deployed a retractable three-knee fire escape and climbed the last stairwell using an assault ladder. 

"Early reports say the victims were two women and three men. In total, there were 65 people in the building at the time of the attack.  The speed of the missile at the time of the impact could have been more than 1,000 kilometres per hour," said Serhii Bolvinov, the head of the Investigative Police Department in Kharkiv Oblast.

The Hurov&K printing house published books from such publishing houses as Chas Maistriv (Time of Masters) and Crocus, publishing house Shkola (School), and it also released Dodo puzzles. 

Earlier, the Budynok Druku (House of Printing) had previously suffered from Russian attacks on Kharkiv. 

During 2022, the Russian invasion affected such publishing houses as Ranok (Morning), BOOKSHA, Teza (Thesis), Zhorzh, ACAA, Folio, Blym-Blym (Blink-Blink), Zhupanskyi Publishing House, Vikholа (Blizzard), Molfar (a wiseman and a sort of oracle and sorcerer in Ukraine's west – ed.), Pegas, Chas Maistriv (Time of Masters), Parasolia (Umbrella), Osnova group, 4mamas and others.

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