Pro-Trump satirical outlet: He “confused” Russia with Ukraine
The Babylon Bee took a rare swipe at POTUS

The highly-popular Conservative Christian satirical outlet, The Babylon Bee, has published two articles that indirectly support Ukraine.
Dubbed “Embarrassed Trump Realizes He’s Had Russia And Ukraine Confused This Entire Time” and “Putin Says He Doesn’t Want Ukraine Anymore Now That It Has All These Holes In It,” the outlet puts the blame on Putin for his invasion and destruction of Ukraine.
“I no longer want to occupy this country with all its giant holes in the terrain. What a mess!” Putin said. “Who did this, anyway? You guys should really take better care of your country or someone is going to come here and try to take it on the cheap. Dos vidya, losers,” they wrote, adding, “Putin said he’s been interested in occupying Ukraine ever since he tried to occupy Ukraine three years ago. But now he says he’s not so sure it’s in the shape he’d like it to be in to annex it and make it part of Russia.”
The article ends with the line: “At publishing time, Putin said he also isn’t interested in occupying the US and that the only reason he hasn’t invaded is because he just doesn’t have the energy for it right now.”
In the other article, they start out by saying that Trump’s administration “experienced a rare public relations gaffe,” alluding to Trump’s statements that Zelenskyy and Biden are at fault for not being able to prevent Russia’s war.
“They’re the other way around, from what I understand,” Trump told reporters at an impromptu press conference in the Oval Office. “The country that started the war by invading the other was apparently Russia. It’s easy to get the two confused, honestly. They’re right next to each other. And cold winters. So very cold. I thought that little Zelenskyy guy was from Russia this whole time. He sounds Russian,” they wrote, adding that this could be a game-changer when it comes to the peace talks.
At the end of the article, they suggested that “Trump had proposed a newly revised peace plan in which the United States would simply take over both Ukraine and Russia as new territories.”
The article comes after the Conservative New York Post addressed POTUS directly, saying that Zelenskyy is not a dictator, but Putin is.