Russian forces strike Chernihiv with Iskander missiles: 14 civilians killed, 60 injured – photo, video

A total of 14 people were killed and at least 60 injured in a Russian attack on the city of Chernihiv on the morning of 17 April. Source: Ukraine's Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko on Telegram; Andrii Podorvan, Advisor to the Head of the Chernihiv Oblast Military Administration on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast Quote from Klymenko: "13 dead and over 60 injured in Chernihiv.

Apr 17, 2024 - 06:51
Russian forces strike Chernihiv with Iskander missiles: 14 civilians killed, 60 injured – photo, video

A total of 14 people were killed and at least 60 injured in a Russian attack on the city of Chernihiv on the morning of 17 April.

Source: Ukraine's Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko on Telegram; Andrii Podorvan, Advisor to the Head of the Chernihiv Oblast Military Administration on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast

Quote from Klymenko: "13 dead and over 60 injured in Chernihiv. Two children are among the injured (Oleksii Kuleba, Deputy Head of the Ukrainian President's Office, reported that three children had been injured – ed.)

Quote from Podorvan: "Just a few minutes ago, I was informed that the death toll has risen to 14, and over 60 people were injured to various degrees. Three of them are children. Several dozen people have been hospitalised".

Details: Klymenko added that the injured civilians are being provided with the necessary assistance.

Police officers are making door-to-door visits to damaged houses, helping the injured, and psychologists are engaged.

Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine

"Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs bodies and units in Chernihiv Oblast have organised blood donations for the needs of the injured," Klymenko added.

Photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine

Police lieutenant Alina Mykolaiets, 25, has been killed in this Russian attack. The woman lived in a neighbouring house and was at home on sick leave. She received a fatal shrapnel injury.


This article has been updated since publication.

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