Russian occupation regime ramps up efforts to find "unreliables" in Crimea
The Russian occupation regime in Ukraine's Crimea is recruiting additional personnel to the Centre for Countering Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Crimea (Centre E), including civilian collaborators.

The Russian occupation regime in Ukraine’s Crimea is recruiting additional personnel to the Centre for Countering Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Crimea (Centre E), including civilian collaborators.
Source: Ukraine’s National Resistance Center
Details: The Centre for Countering Extremism monitors social media, Telegram channels, blogs, forums and websites that have the comment function enabled.
Its aim is to find "unreliables" and enter their names into a special database. Commenting or even "reacting" in response to social media posts criticising Russian aggression or expressing a pro-Ukrainian stance can become grounds for a person to be entered into the database.
The Centre also works alongside Russia’s Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) to block people’s access to sources that share information unfavourable to the Kremlin. The Centre staff carry out special checks on candidates for positions in Russian occupation administrations and at critical infrastructure facilities.
The Russian occupation regime has entered information about over 7,000 people into their database to date, including over 1,000 indigenous Crimean Tatars.
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