Russians strike Zaporizhzhia, injuring 10 people, including children – photos

A total of 10 people were injured in a Russian guided aerial bomb (KAB) attack on the centre of the city of Zaporizhzhia on Saturday evening. Source: Ivan Fedorov, Head of Zaporizhzhia Oblast State Administration, on Telegram Aftermath of Russian attack on the centre of the city of Zaporizhzhia.

Oct 20, 2024 - 03:00
Russians strike Zaporizhzhia, injuring 10 people, including children – photos

A total of 10 people were injured in a Russian guided aerial bomb (KAB) attack on the centre of the city of Zaporizhzhia on Saturday evening.

Source: Ivan Fedorov, Head of Zaporizhzhia Oblast State Administration, on Telegram

наслідки обстрілу Запоріжжя, фото з Telegram Івана Федорова
Aftermath of Russian attack on the centre of the city of Zaporizhzhia.
Photo: Ivan fedorov on Telegram

Quote from Fedorov: "The enemy launched two KAB attacks on the centre of Zaporizhzhia on Saturday evening. Sadly, there are early reports of casualties and more damaged buildings."

Details: Fedorov said three people were injured in the attack.

At 19:41, Fedorov reported that the number of people injured had risen to four: three women and one man.

Aftermath of Russian attack on the centre of the city of Zaporizhzhia.
Photo: Ivan fedorov on Telegram

All are being provided with urgent medical care.

At 20:40, Fedorov reported that the number of injured had risen to 8 people, including two girls aged 9 and 13.

The children are at the hospital. Their conditions is assessed as moderate.

At 22:20, Fedorov said that the number of injured in the evening Russian attack on Zaporizhzhia had increased to 10.

The National Police reported that on Saturday evening, Russian troops carried out three air strikes (reportedly, with FAB unguided high-explosive bombs) on the territory of Zaporizhzhia.

The Russians targeted three districts of the oblast centre. As a result of the airstrikes, a residential building was partially destroyed by an explosive wave and the wreckage, and nearby shops, a car wash, a shopping centre warehouse, and vehicles were damaged.

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