Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Pritzker Travel to Poland

Office of the Spokesperson Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker will travel to Warsaw, Poland on January 11 to underscore U.S.-Polish cooperation on Ukraine’s economic recovery. In Warsaw, Special Representative Pritzker will meet with senior officials in the Polish government, including President Duda and Foreign Minister Sikorski. They will discuss Polish government and private sector support for Ukraine and the importance of economic assistance to Ukraine as it defends itself against Putin’s aggression. Tags Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Office of the Spokesperson Poland Ukraine

Jan 11, 2024 - 09:20
Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Pritzker Travel to Poland

Office of the Spokesperson

Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker will travel to Warsaw, Poland on January 11 to underscore U.S.-Polish cooperation on Ukraine’s economic recovery. In Warsaw, Special Representative Pritzker will meet with senior officials in the Polish government, including President Duda and Foreign Minister Sikorski. They will discuss Polish government and private sector support for Ukraine and the importance of economic assistance to Ukraine as it defends itself against Putin’s aggression.