The Feeling Is Mutual
So is the road, the vehicle, the painted line, the shoulder. So are the clouds, the gaps between, the labor below, the trenching, the depth and what we worked and what we found. So is the time it took to strike bedrock, to step on the shovel, dig the spade, to forge the ditch, to lay the trough so water will flow across the pasture. So are the wildflowers, the clearing, the copse, the wells. So are the bulls lumbering over and bowing down. So is the thirst that opens their throats.

So is the road, the vehicle,
the painted line, the shoulder.
So are the clouds, the gaps between,
the labor below, the trenching, the depth
and what we worked and what
we found. So is the time it took
to strike bedrock, to step
on the shovel, dig the spade,
to forge the ditch, to lay the trough
so water will flow across the pasture.
So are the wildflowers, the clearing,
the copse, the wells. So are the bulls
lumbering over and bowing down.
So is the thirst that opens their throats.