The Horse of Loch nan Uamh Viaduct

Fort William to MallaigTraveling north through the north we make our wayanachronistically, under the auspices of nostalgiaand steam, the occasional sun a cloud-diffused goldspread thin on the hills as the lamplight of history.We’ve taken leave, here along this loch-hewn coastto reaffirm the need to know in situ what we knewfrom home. These coursing tracks can take us therenot take us back. Past bloodless sands. That cairncast from local stone as something near-forgettable.It’s how things go. No meaning meaning what wehoped. While now we’re told that somewhere deepbeneath our seats entombed in concrete for a centurylies the body of a horse. And on its back all futuressoon unfold. A tunnel of darkness swallows us whole.

Nov 22, 2023 - 07:24
The Horse of Loch nan Uamh Viaduct

Fort William to Mallaig

Traveling north through the north we make our way
anachronistically, under the auspices of nostalgia
and steam, the occasional sun a cloud-diffused gold
spread thin on the hills as the lamplight of history.
We’ve taken leave, here along this loch-hewn coast
to reaffirm the need to know in situ what we knew
from home. These coursing tracks can take us there
not take us back. Past bloodless sands. That cairn
cast from local stone as something near-forgettable.
It’s how things go. No meaning meaning what we
hoped. While now we’re told that somewhere deep
beneath our seats entombed in concrete for a century
lies the body of a horse. And on its back all futures
soon unfold. A tunnel of darkness swallows us whole.