Trump's private, low-key jab at the House Freedom Caucus chief

It wasn't a given that Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.) would show up to Thursday's House GOP meeting with Donald Trump. After all, the Freedom Caucus chair is fighting for his political life against a Trump-backed primary challenger. But Good showed up. And Trump responded with what sounded to at least one person in the room like a subtle jab at him. Discussing his participation in tele-town halls during campaign season with House Republicans, Trump said: "There’s a couple in this room who aren’t so happy with that statement," according to this person in the room, who was granted anonymity to speak candidly. Trump is holding one of those tele-town halls with Good's GOP challenger, John McGuire, on Monday — one day before the Virginia GOP primary — per a second person who was granted anonymity to speak candidly.

Jun 20, 2024 - 07:04

It wasn't a given that Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.) would show up to Thursday's House GOP meeting with Donald Trump. After all, the Freedom Caucus chair is fighting for his political life against a Trump-backed primary challenger.

But Good showed up. And Trump responded with what sounded to at least one person in the room like a subtle jab at him.

Discussing his participation in tele-town halls during campaign season with House Republicans, Trump said: "There’s a couple in this room who aren’t so happy with that statement," according to this person in the room, who was granted anonymity to speak candidly.

Trump is holding one of those tele-town halls with Good's GOP challenger, John McGuire, on Monday — one day before the Virginia GOP primary — per a second person who was granted anonymity to speak candidly.