Watch: Local Sinclair Anchors Read Same Shady Script on Biden’s Age
Local television news broadcasters are airing suspiciously similar attacks on Joe Biden’s mental acuity and how it will affect the coming election—and it appears to be part of a coordinated effort. The Sinclair Broadcast Group owns or operates 185 local television stations across the country, and dozens of their stations aired a segment from national correspondent Matthew Galka citing a Wall Street Journal article that makes dubious attacks on Biden’s age and mental awareness. The stations that aired the segment introduced it using startlingly similar, if not identical language, the Popular Information and Public Notice newsletters reported.New in PN: Sinclair injects deceptive attacks on Biden's age into dozens of local broadcasts (a special collaboration with @JuddLegum) out this video showing local Sinclair anchors reading from the same script

Local television news broadcasters are airing suspiciously similar attacks on Joe Biden’s mental acuity and how it will affect the coming election—and it appears to be part of a coordinated effort.
The Sinclair Broadcast Group owns or operates 185 local television stations across the country, and dozens of their stations aired a segment from national correspondent Matthew Galka citing a Wall Street Journal article that makes dubious attacks on Biden’s age and mental awareness. The stations that aired the segment introduced it using startlingly similar, if not identical language, the Popular Information and Public Notice newsletters reported.
New in PN: Sinclair injects deceptive attacks on Biden's age into dozens of local broadcasts (a special collaboration with @JuddLegum)
Check out this video showing local Sinclair anchors reading from the same script