Young Reporter The Importance of History  Eloise Barker JAGs

George Santanya, a nineteenth-century philosopher, famously said, ‘Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it. History is essential to understand the world as we know it and making decisions to avoid the repetition of catastrophes. Although it's not always pleasant, history can teach us the wrongs of humanity and show us how to prevent these disastrous things from happening again. So always respect your elders and learn from them, even if they were born over one hundred years ago.

Nov 14, 2023 - 20:45
Young Reporter The Importance of History  Eloise Barker JAGs
George Santanya, a nineteenth-century philosopher, famously said, ‘Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it. History is essential to understand the world as we know it and making decisions to avoid the repetition of catastrophes. Although it's not always pleasant, history can teach us the wrongs of humanity and show us how to prevent these disastrous things from happening again. So always respect your elders and learn from them, even if they were born over one hundred years ago.